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The day has come. the day to start over, to open new opportunities and new dreams. happy birthday with great blessings on your way. dear friend, although i have not sent you a gift in physical, i send you my best wishes for a year full of happiness — happy birthday, dear friend. congratulations on your birthday. Schau dir unsere auswahl an mama geschenk an, um die tollsten einzigartigen oder spezialgefertigten handgemachten stücke aus unseren shops für . 90. ) happy 40th birthday to the oldest and wisest person that i know! 91. ) happy 40th birthday! i’m so pleased to hear you’re over the hill instead of under it. 92. ) the 40s may be the new 20s, but certain things don’t change: at 20, you’re young and stupid. at 40, you think you’re young, which makes you do stupid things. happy 40th. Happy birthday original free a star in the sky birthday wishes for female friends. the big 4-0 40 happy 40th birthday happy birthday 40th female wishes. 17 mar, 2021. quotes.

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Often we’re celebrating birthdays with family and friends; but when we’re not, we are writing here about words to say and ways to say them on 40th birthday sayings. along the way we’ve discovered many unique ways to wish someone a happy 40th as well as party supplies and gifts to mark the occasion.

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